Travel Guide

Travel Guide
Big Island Attractions

Big Island Attractions

Nahuku (Thurston Lava Tube)

Nahuku (Thurston Lava Tube)

  • Topics:Parks
  • Location:瑟斯頓熔岩通道也被稱為納呼庫熔岩洞穴,位於夏威夷火山國家公園,是個具有500年歷史的洞穴。這樣的火山洞是由於熾熱的岩漿流逐漸形成實體牆壁和天花板。當熔岩流停止,最後的熔岩向下流時,就形成了洞穴。這些瑟斯頓熔岩通道是巨大熔岩洞穴的典型代表。 這裡地面平坦、通道寬敞,是瞭解熔岩通道的絕佳地點。曾經是液狀熔岩留下的痕跡,清晰展示了創造這座洞穴的神奇力量,岩石中的礦物質展現了各種漂亮形狀和顏色。走過納呼庫通道這一段有光線的短道後,還有另一段完全黑暗,地面崎嶇不平的通道,在未穿適合鞋子並帶有強光手電筒的情況下,請勿冒險進入。 大島有幾個值得參觀的熔岩通道,納呼庫是最容易進入的通道。您可打電話或前往夏威夷火山國家公園遊客服務中心,預約參加由公園管理員引導的Pua Poo熔岩通道導覽。
  • Hightlights:Take a walk in the dark through Nahuku, known as the Thurston Lava Tube, a 500-year old lava cave located within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Lava caves like this are formed when a river of lava gradually builds solid walls and a ceiling. When the lava flow stops and the last of it passes downhill, a cave is formed.


Nahuku, also known as the Thurston Lava Tube is a 500-year old lava cave located within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Lava caves like this are formed when a river of lava gradually builds solid walls and a ceiling. When the lava flow stops and the last of it passes downhill, a cave is formed. These caves can be a few feet high and only yards long, or they can stretch for miles with high ceilings. There are several lava tubes you can visit around the island but Nahuku is the most easily accessible and is a fantastic example of a massive lava cave.

Lit by electric lights, with a flat rock floor and a ceiling high enough in the center to keep you from scraping your head, this is a great introduction to lava tube geology. The solidified drips and waves of once-liquid lava rock clearly show the molten forces that created this cave. Your flashlight reveals beautiful shapes and colors of minerals leeching from the rock. After strolling the short, lighted section of Nahuku, there’s another segment past the steps leading back up the trail that’s completely dark with an uneven floor, so don’t venture there unless you are sure-footed and have a strong flashlight.